Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Really Mean Princess

Some of this may require a bit of explication. First of all, the numbers on the left are not really part of the drawing, just some maths L happened to be practicing, which you have to read right to left and you'll find that all her sums are correct. Anyway, what's going on here is that the really mean princess has stolen the pretty pink dress from the girl on the right and dressed her in rags, which explains the absolutely huge tears falling from her eyes. That pink blob above them is the stolen dress which is being carried off by birds wearing witch hats. I'm not sure who the white bunny in the window is, although it may be Buster from the Arthur books who, some time ago, was one of L's favorite imaginary friends, and quite the mischief maker. But here he seems very sympathetic, holding up a heart for our poor beleaguered heroine. The long shape around the window is a list of some sort although I don't know what it is supposed to say.

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